Digester Manual

What is Digester?

The Digester program converts e-mail of the info-mac digests to hypertext format files (HTML).

The hypertext format files can be browsed through using a Web browser. If you haven't heard about the web, I really suggest you start reading something about it :-) The interactive format of the digests makes it easy to browse through the messages and download the software. You do, however, need a browser, TCP-IP (MacTCP and maybe PPP or SLIP).

Why Digester?

I started this service because I had a hard time browsing through the 180Kbytes of plain text, which is the normal format of the digest. The tedious work of copying the filenames into a batch file to retrieve the files was becoming unworkable for me. Now browsing the digest just takes a few minutes and I'm informed of the things that interest me. I hope it will be as usefull to you as it is to me.

Changes version 2.3

Changes version 2.1.1b

Changes version 2.0.4b

Changes version 2.0.2b

Changes version 2.0

Changes version 1.3

How to use digester

You can convert your digests by doing the following:

  1. If you are using Eudora, select one the info-mac digest at a time and save it WITHOUT 'include header and guess paragraphs' as ONE file in the same folder as the digester. So each digest in a separate file, thank you. The old version of digester could cope with more than one digest in a file, but because of the two pass scheme now used, digester can only handle one digest at a time.

  2. If you want to use reconfigure digester, please read this document.

  3. Start digester and specify the file name of the file to be converted and if you want fancy buttons (if the PROMPT switch is on). Fancy buttons are those shown in the example. You can change them if you like. No buttons means that normal text will be inserted instead. You can also choose to split the digest into two or three files, for example:

    In case of two files:

    1. list of programs and contents: IMp182-13.html
    2. list of messages and contents: IMm182-13.html

    In case of three files:

    1. list of topics: IMt182-13.html
    2. list of programs: IMp182-13.html
    3. list of messages: IMm182-13.html

    In case of one file: IM182-13.html

  4. Start Netscape or some other browser and open (command-O) the digest file (IM???-??.html, IMt???-??.html, IMp???-??.html or IMm???-??.html).

  5. Now move the 'html' files to the site folder if they are not already there.

That's all. It may take a moment to load the issue though, so don't panic. You Mac has not hung itself up.

You may also wish to publish the digests on the Web so that more users can benefit from this service. In this case you should check out httpd for the Mac.

I have also included a standard index file for use on a server.

If you have come up with nicer buttons, please send them to me.

If you choose to present this service to a wide community (which I hope many will do), please send me your URL, so I can make a list of 'mirrors'. For many users the trip over the Atlantic ocean is a long and unbareable one. Thanks in advance,


If you have any questions, please e-mail me at:


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